On Saturday, Oct. 29, the Florida A&M Office of Student Activities and over 50 volunteers from student organizations will the First Annual Halloween Haunted House at Gaither Gymnasium.
Shepario Hardemon, the program coordinator, tells students to expect the unexpected.
“It’s going to be very suspenseful and in your face at times,” said Hardemon.
“Students must know they cannot wear mask.”
Themes of the Halloween Haunted House will be movies such as “Texas Chainsaw Massacre,” “Saw,” “Freddie Krueger” and many more.
Kyle Washington, executive producer of programming and activities, encourages students to show up and have a great time.
“We want students to come out to something new to the campus, something innovative and something that’s collegiate,” said Washington.
The Haunted House will be a maze. Students will have to find their way through the dark, twisted, hay –filled trail.
Rashaad Horne, from Atlanta Georgia, said he wants a legacy left behind.
“We are already on top I just want to keep FAMU on top. Years to come when I am gone, this event will still be going on,” Horne said.
Horne is the creator of the maze.
“I want people to say ‘go to FAMU’s hunted house because theirs is ‘poppin!,'” he added.
It will be a safe environment for students and the community. There will be police on sight.
It is not too late to volunteer for the weekend of events leading up to the evening of Oct. 31st which is Halloween night.
Please contact the Student Activities office at (850)599-3396 if you or your organization would like to get involved.
The doors open at 7 p.m. and will close at 10 p.m. Admission is free for all FAMU students as well as the general public.