Devout Apple fans camped out in droves all across the world Friday in anticipation for the release of the new iPhone 4s.
The result – more than 4 million iPhone 4s devices were sold worldwide within three days of its release, breaking previous records of the iPhone 4’s 1.4 million record.
Juila Keens, a fourth-year theater student, said she is more than pleased with the phone and has yet to put it down.
“I just bought my new iPhone, and I have to say I am madly in love with it,” said Keens. “I stood in line at Best Buy Thursday night until Friday morning to get my phone. It was well worth the wait.”
Although many people may have been excited about the new device, there are still those who feel it is a waste of money.
Originally ostracized by its critics, who said the phone was merely a simple upgrade with several new useless features, the phone offers a faster A5 dual-core processor, a new and improved eight megapixel camera and of course Siri, a voice assistant that responds to voice commands and will answer the users questions.
Philip Calverson, a junior business administration student from Fort Lauderdale, said the phone was not only a waste of money, but was a waste of time.
“What’s the use in going out, buying a brand new phone and spending what’s left of my netcheck on something that I already have,” said Calverson. “I think it’s simply a gimmick to get people to spend their money.”
No matter what version iPhone people may have, one cannot deny the revolutionary impression it has left on the world. From the way people communicate and live, the iPhone has changed the way of the world.
Making its debut on Jan. 9, 2007, nearly 150 million have been sold. The iPhone has made its impact on history faster than any other electronic device since the television, according to Consumer Electronics Geek Squad employee Todd Gorzenski.
Gorzenski said anything Apple related is the surest way to having the best electronic experience.
“The iPhone has been our least problematic phone we’ve had to deal with. No matter what model iPhone you may have, trust me it’s still better than any of the newest “competitions” out there,” said Gorzenski.
With included features like stock browsing, map quests, weather forecast and web browsing on every phone, to more entertaining apps such as Angry Birds, iTranslate, Talking Tom and Fruit Ninja the iPhone has taken the world by storm.
“As much as I hate to admit it, this phone is my life,” said Genae Wilks, a second-year criminal justice student. “I can’t go anywhere without having my iPhone with me. I do any and everything with this phone, and sadly I truly don’t know what I’d do without it.”
The iPhone brand has set the standard for what a “smart phone” really is. The capabilities are endless and offer its users the option to video chat with people around the world.
What turned out to be co-founder of Apple Inc., Steve Jobs’, last product before dying, has yet again raised the standard for futuristic technology.