As we inch closer and closer to the half mark of the semester and the fall breeze is settling in, we can definitely say it is that time of year again…it’s Christmas! Okay, all jokes aside, it’s homecoming and I couldn’t be any happier. Everyone is in the giving and receiving mood. Teachers are canceling class, free concerts, free food and free comedy and fashion shows. I also heard OSA was making it rain with money in front of The Orange Room on Monday. One of my followers tweeted they made three whole dollars!
Even though this is only my second year at FAMU, I was lucky enough to “ball till I fall” at last year’s homecoming. Let me tell you: I had my hair done, nails done, three new outfits on deck and my homecoming golden ticket that got me into three clubs (two of them being The Edge and Roxy’s) on three different nights for only $20. I thought I was winning!
This year, nothing falls short of that. With events like Crunkfest, 4 Play at Baja’s, Jeezy at 20/20 and Ladies Night at Potbelly’s with Dee Dee Roc and Tami from “Basketball Wives,” it’s like choosing candy in a candy store trying to decide where to go. But you will eventually rack up a very large bill once you check out, because these events are not cheap.
Since I am taking a backseat to all the festivities this year, I have one question: is it really worth it? If I asked myself this same question a year ago, I would have done exactly what I did last year. Which was, ball till I fall and falling off is exactly what I did. Mid-terms were right around the corner and I basically said “Bump it, this is my first FAMU Homecoming. If you have the time and the money to spend go ahead.”
I know my parents did not send me up here just to waste everything on homecoming and pay for irresponsible actions later on. If you have other responsibilities, including attending class, homework, books to purchase or rent make sure you take care of them. Homecoming is not a national holiday that excuses you from the real world even though we tend to treat it like one.