Florida A&M student Tyghe Cole is suing the NAACP for $218.22.
The suit, filed on Sept. 22 at 11:54 a.m., names the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People’s Tallahassee corporate office and the FAMU Chapter as defendants. Cole alleges that around Feb. 16, he submitted$30 annual membership dues to the FAMU Chapter of the NAACP. The National NAACP required these dues within 15 days of the dues being paid.
“As an assumed member of the association, on or approximately March 30, 2011, plaintiff announced candidacy for the office of President within the FAMU Chapter of the NAACP,” reads the filed claim.
“The plaintiff alleges that he filed an elections discrepancy complaint and was informed that “no such membership for him existed within their database,” making Matthew Holte the FAMU NAACP President by default.
The plaintiff alleges that he was denied the right to election appeals due to the money not being sent properly. Along with the $30 membership dues, the report alleges that Cole suffered monetary damages of $188.22 on campaign material.
“Due to the failure of the National NAACP to swiftly investigate and to correct the issue of theft/ the misappropriation of membership dues, plaintiff suffered financial loss of his $30, and chapter was sanctioned to continue operations as normal,” states the claim.
On July 22, Cole filed a report for theft with the FAMU police department after not receiving a refund from the organization.
The plaintiff lists two demands on the claim. “1. Judgment in the amount of $218.22 plus all costs of this action. 2. The suspension of FAMU Chapter of the NAACP on the campus of Florida A&M University for a period of three years for the misappropriation and mishandling of membership funds.”
Attempts were made to contact Cole and Holte, but neither were available for comment.