On Sept. 11, 2001, the United States suffered one of the most devastating attacks in the country’s history. Citizens from around the country watched two planes collide into the World Trade Center.
Attacks on the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. killed 184 people.
In commemoration of the tenth anniversary of the attacks, the Tallahassee Little Theatre showcased their newest production, “The Guys” from Sept. 8-11 at 8 p.m. The show gave a glimpse of the aftermath of the collapse of the World Trade Center.
The show had only two characters: Joan — a news reporter turned magazine editor, played by actress Dametria Selmore; and Nick — a FDNY captain, played by actor Keith Andrews. The couple prepared the eulogies for the numerous fallen firefighters who were killed that fateful day under his command. Nick struggled to convey in words what he felt for his fallen comrades.
“It’s important for the voices that have gone unheard to be heard,” Director Rod Durham said when asked his reasoning for wanting to spearhead the production of the show. “I want to introduce to both the youth — the “new generation” who might’ve been too young to completely understand exactly what happened, and show them the connection that people have with each other.”
Prior to the show, audience members waited outside in anticipation of the show. Retired nurse and self-proclaimed “play enthusiast”, Martha Brown said her reasoning for seeing this show is to see the historical and emotional aspect of Sept. 11 as well as the other view points from people who experienced that tragic day.
There were few props: a coffee table, two chairs and a rolling beverage cart were the focal point of the stage with a backdrop of city lights.
“The simplicity of the stage allowed for little distraction away from the actors,” said June Douglas, a senior theatre student from Florida State. “The emotions from the two characters was so raw and heart-felt, you could honestly feel their pain and sorrow as they coped with trying to piece together their lives after the tragedy of Sept. 11.”
Brandon Young, assistant director for the show, said the show is an eye-opening experience. It offered members of the audience a glimpse of actual events that took place on Sept. 11.
“I hope everyone can remember what it was like during and after those events,” Young said about his goal for the show. “It’s sad that this tragic event has become such an out-of-memory event that seems to be slipping out of our history books.”