Florida A&M plans to introduce the university’s new head basketball coach next week.
Part-press conference and part-pep rally, FAMU invited students to attend en masse next Tuesday, May 31, to support the arrival of Clemon Johnson.
A press statement urged students to wear orange and green, and fill the parking lots at the university’s Bragg Memorial Stadium.
“We need you there in BIG numbers!” the press statement reads.
A former National Basketball Association (NBA) player, Johnson succeeds former coach Eugene Harris who was dismissed in March after four years of poor performance (See: attached story).
FAMU’s Marching 100 band and Rattler Cheer Squad will also be performing ahead of the news conference.
The university Thursday posted the announcement on its Facebook page, urging support and attendance from students.
The rally is scheduled for a 5:30 p.m. start at Al Lawson Center, followed by the press conference. Doors open at 5:00 p.m.