For many residents and out-of-towners, it may appear that there is not much to do in Tallahassee.
But now, there is a new app designed to help people find out about current events, activities and more going on throughout the city.
Tallylife, which is also a website, was started by Stacey Rasky.
“A friend started the concept down at the coast (30A/Destin area). It was hugely successful and he decided to turn it into a business and market to other towns,” said Rasky.
The app took about four months before being approved by Apple last November.
“We loved the concept and used their app all the time so I said ‘Hey – lets do this for Tallahassee.’ I was one of their first partners to sign on. It is now in over 120 towns and even in 2 other countries,” Rasky said.
The app is expected to help boost local businesses and the economy, which was another one of Rasky’s goals.
All of Tallylife’s event listings are free and patrons can just go to the website to upload the information. Once the information is received, it is reviewed and approved and then is available on both the website and the app.
As far as feedback is concerned, Rasky said that the website and app have not only received positive feedback but that people are inquiring more about when the Android app will be available.
“The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive so far. There has been a lot inquiry as to when the Droid app will be available. We are moving as fast as we can. As with all technology you have to work out the kinks as you go along,” said Rasky.
While the feedback for Tallylife is positive, many people, particularly students, are unaware of the app’s existence.
“That’s pretty cool, I didn’t even know about the app, it is a cool idea and I would definitely use it,” said Brittani Bens-Rodgers, 19, a second-year occupational therapy student.
Although the app has been out for five months, according to Rasky, the Tallylife team will see how successful the app is to determine whether there will be plans of creating other apps related to the Tallahassee area.
The app allows residents to upload their own events as well.
“Obviously, we will never find out about every event or activity going on. That is why we wanted people to be able to upload their events themselves. Tallylife is a great resource for students to promote Greek events, student government activities, athletics and, of course nightlife,” said Rasky.
It is free and as of now is only available in Apple’s app store; however, the Android app should be up and functioning by the end of the month, according to Rasky.