If you worked in an office, how comfortable would you feel knowing that your co-worker faithfully brought a gun to work?
Or that your classmate packed a gun in his backpack?
I don’t know about you, but I’d be terrified.
Florida lawmakers have recently voted on a resolution that would go against Florida Senate Bill 234, allowing college students all over the state to have firearms while on school grounds, the vote passed with a 52-17 approval.
“This is not rocket science – this is the Second Amendment,” said University of Florida student Sen. Carly Wilson, the chairman of UF’s College Republicans, who thinks the bill should be passed.
It is understandable that having a weapon once you are 21 is in the Constitution but there is a time and place for everything. Drinking alcohol is also allowed at the age of 21, but it isn’t recommended to attend class or work drunk.
Legal action is usually taken in situations such as these so why is it okay to allow a gun?
It appears to me as if the Florida lawmakers aren’t looking at the situation on a larger scale. If the legislature is passed. They are failing to recognize that some students-and adults-are simply not mature enough to hold such a strong responsibility.
A perfect example of this happened on Jan. 9, right here in Tallahassee. Ashley Cowie, a 20-year-old Florida State student was killed while at a fraternity party because of a drunken peer who had a gun on him. She was accidentally shot in the chest and died immediately.
The young girl’s father, Dr. Robert Cowie, attended the Senate committee hearing in order to express his sentiments as to why allowing guns on college campuses is wrong.
While this didn’t stop the Senate from throwing the bill out, it did convince lawmakers to stall the bill.
Hopefully with time good sense or reason will prevail. Unfortunately, with some the other legislation being considered, I doubt it.
The SB 432 Freedom of Information Act would not allow doctor’s to ask patients if they own a gun.
If a doctor is reported to have asked a patient this “offensive” question, they will be fined $10,000 on the first offense. The second offense is a charge of $25,000 while the third is a minimum of $100,000, meaning the price can go up from there.
It is a doctor’s duty and responsibility to ask questions in order to figure out if a patient is endangered to themselves-especially those that are suicidal. Allowing such a bill to pass is absurd and ignorant, at the very least.
However, on Tuesday, lawmakers decided that while it is not illegal for doctors to ask if a patient owns a gun it is illegal to turn away a patient if they refused to reveal whether or not they own any firearms.
For years, lawmakers have passed bills that are offensive to the citizens of this country. First, homosexual marriage was illegal and then the uproar from Arizona after they said it would be okay for officers to approach a “suspicious-looking” individual about citizenship.
They obviously are not aware of what the people of this country want.