Students are dropping out of college at an alarming rate for a variety of reasons.
The college experience can be an overwhelming one and many weren’t as prepared as they thought they were. Maybe some get pregnant or just decide that college wasn’t for them. For many, college is just financially unattainable.
And for this reason, the Florida Board of Governors has adopted a regulation letting Florida’s universities seek the board’s permission to charge students a flat tuition rate regardless of how many classes they take, according to WCTV.
The proposal was approved Thursday during a meeting at the University of Florida. Although it has drawn some controversy because it would mean that the cost for students who take less than a full course load would increase. The University of Florida will use it as a way to encourage students to get their degrees sooner.
Other schools have not shown much interest. The board will also be considering proposals at its meeting in February. The board has also agreed to consider a regulation in January that would allow higher tuition for certain graduate programs.
Financial troubles are one of the biggest reasons why students drop out of college. Having to pay for tuition, housing, food and any other need puts a strain on student’s pockets and their ability to matriculate through school.
Students without much financial support either have to work or take out loans in order to attend college. With the recession, tuition has been rising more rapidly than the average income for most families. Therefore, having a flat tuition rate would not only benefit students who are already attending college, but it would also encourage those who are not.
While the idea is not as beneficial for students not taking a full course load, it will surely help them and possibly encourage part-time students to graduate sooner.
Tanya Glover for the editorial board.