In the heat of the moment, he releases the clasp of your bra and you explore below his waistline. The casual dinner and unexpected sexual chemistry has suddenly led to the bedroom.
You stop to recollect yourself and realize you have just gone against your three-month dating vow.
The dating game rarely includes specific instructions. It does not explain the appropriate occasion to display public affection or the time frame one should wait to engage in a sexual relationship.
The student consensus prevails: every dating scenario differentiates from another.
Dwayne Cue, 24, a fourth-year computer information systems student from Jacksonville, agrees that the amount of time to date before having sex is subject to the individual.
“It all depends on the parties involved inside of the relationship and how comfortable they feel making the step,” Cue said.
The thought and act of engaging in sexual intercourse should not be entirely determined by the values instilled by our parents, religion, peers and the mass media. The significance of sex should be a personal decision.
Being at ease with mentioning sex is a sign of sexual maturity. There should a mutual consensus between both parties to want to step over those physical boundaries. Too often is the discussion of the birds and the bees put off until a relationship has been established or, in most cases, completely disregarded.
Sarah Lee, 21, a third-year political science student from West Palm Beach, believes it is never too early to address any question concerning intimacy.
Lee adds some humor to the issue of sex and dating as she jokingly compares sex to her social security card.
“It’s very precious and valuable and simply cannot be shared with everybody,” Lee said.
According to Donna Freitas, author of “Sex and the Soul” and professor at St. Michael’s College, the “hook-up culture” embraces casual, but sexually intimate encouters.
Freitas’ book reported her results from a survey with 2,500 students from seven different evangelical, catholic, public and private colleges.
“The issue is that hook-up culture rules the day,” Freitas told U.S. “The social ethic is so powerful that students are afraid to say anything against it…all it takes is speaking the truth.”