1. Pro: Unity. Its nice to see the older an newer generations of Rattlers coming together for a common cause.
2. Con: Random Creepers. Homecoming wold be complete without an influx of random non-students or alumni.
3. Pro: Class Cancellations. Even though class is not in session on the Friday of homecoming week, these cancellation will inevitably occur throughout the week.
4. Con: Fliers. Not only are fliers a nuisance to your car windshields, they’re also horrible for the environment.
5. Pro: Vendors. The hordes of vendors that flood campus offer a unique alternative shopping experience Tallahassee is seldom exposed too.
6. Con: Fretful White Establishment. It’s no secret that Tallahassee’s white establishment gets a bit antsy around this time of year. And given past events, they may have good reason for being so.
7. Pro: Weather. Homecoming time means that the summer heat is finally backing down. Nothing but smooth sailing until late April.
8. Con: Law Enforcement. The end of the month means quota time for law enforcement officers. Although the extra security is appreciated, law enforcement agencies may go a bit overboard with security measures.