FAMU High student first in history to score six on FCAT


Humility is one of the many character traits this young lady does not lack. After becoming the first person in FAMU Developmental Research School’s history to score a 6 on the writing portion of the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT) in March, NiaImani Spencer, 14, remains just as shy as ever.

“It’s kinda cool because I didn’t think about it, I just thought about 5 by 5 and attention grabbers.” said the ninth grader while shifting her eyes to the floor and keeping her hands folded in her lap.

The FCAT was first administered in 1998, designed for students in grades 3-11 on basic levels in “mathematics, reading, science, and writing, which measure student progress toward meeting the Sunshine State Standards (SSS) benchmarks” according to the Florida Department of Education’s website.

Scoring a 6 on the FCAT means the student has an adequate understanding of the material students at his or her grade level should be learning.

“I was kind of amazed and at the same time I knew I did well, it (scoring a 6) made me feel really special and I got my own introduction (at school).” said Spencer. “Even though I did well, my teachers made sure I stayed focused.”

Administration at FAMU DRS realized the significance of Spencer’s 6. Former superintendent Ronald Holmes featured Spencer in the DRS newsletter and described her as “brilliant” and several faculty and staff personally congratulated the young scholar.

“My teachers told the other students, ‘If she can do it, you guys can do it too,'” said Spencer.

With her grandmother working in the guidance office, Spencer is no stranger to the values of education.

“She loves to read,” said Debbie Williams. “She watches the discovery channel and reads all day.”

Spencer admits although she didn’t do much studying for the FCAT essay; her love of reading helped her through.

“When I get it, I got it, and I don’t have to study.” said Spencer.

The young high school student has dreams of becoming valedictorian at FAMU DRS and eventually at Georgia Institute of Technology.

FAMU DRS, which has operated under numerous names, is designed to “conduct research, demonstration and evaluation of the management of teaching and learning” according to their website.

As far as her future at FAMU DRS is concerned, Spencer remains optimistic. 

“It’s going to be different, but I’m excited,” said Spencer.