Valentine’s Day is a day where men and women show affection and appreciation for their special someone, but for those who do not have a valentine this day could be one to cope with.
While couples are basking in roses, heart shaped candies, or over-sized teddy bears, singles are expected to mope around and dread the day.
“I plan on spending Valentine’s Day just like I spend any other day in February,” said Misha Payne, 20, a sophomore athletic training student from El Portal, Fla. “Church, food, and my studies are all I will need this weekend”.
Payne said that while Valentine’s Day is a cute holiday, she just views it as a holiday to make money off consumers.
There are common misconceptions that people who do not have significant others are miserable and depressed when the day of love rolls around.
More and more each year, this fallacy is proven. The days of feeling depressed on Feb. 14 are gone, and “singletons” are finding pleasure on this day.
Some singles would rather not celebrate the holiday, while others would rather go out with friends for a night the town.
“Since Valentine’s Day is on a Sunday this year, this gives me the opportunity to celebrate the entire weekend,” said Edward Turner, 19, a sophomore psychology student from Miami. “While I see it as a pointless holiday, it’s a day for me and my friends to all treat ourselves and feel special.”
Turner said that he feels the day gives those in a relationship an excuse to act and do things that are not the norm.
“After the holiday, things go back to normal; where are the roses and chocolates in May?”
Treating Valentine’s Day as any other day or going out with friends and family are excellent coping mechanisms that people use to get through this day.
However, there are those individuals who attempt to avoid it all together.
Considered a valentines grinch by some, these are people who would rather pick cotton than celebrate a day of love.
A Florida A&M student who asked to remain anonymous said, “I really just don’t like the idea of spending money on someone for one day. I honestly will end a relationship before or just keep to myself”.
Valentine’s Day is a day that “singletons” will either enjoy or shy away from. However they choose to spend their day, Feb. 14 no longer remains a day for only couples to enjoy.