In the African-American Studies section at Border’s Bookstore, online or in your own city, it is easy to expect to find literature by Bill Cosby, Cornell West, W.E.B. DuBois, and Marcus Garvey.
But who knew video vixens were in the same category as notable black scholars?
A new addition can be found on these shelves – “Vixen Icon: A Tell-all by Buffie the Body.”
Buffie “The Body” Carruth is a popular ‘video vixen’ known for her uniquely-sized large rear end, having appeared in a number of music videos, movies and magazine spreads.
The biography chronicles her rise to fame and even includes several nearly nude pictures of herself.
“Me and another co-worker were talking about the same thing just last week,” confessed one Border’s employee.
“I don’t know why it was placed there either. But the corporate office handles cataloging, not the store.”
Another Border’s employee was also unhappy with the book’s placement. He thought it shouldn’t have been placed there.
Barbara Kinzer, an employee of Borders’ Corporate headquarters, shared that the book’s publishers, Triple Crown Publications, determines a book’s category for placement in stores. However, it was not specified who would need to be contacted in order to have the book moved to another section of the store.
“This is something made to be glorified, which is why black women do not understand their place in life and how powerful they are,” said alum Greg Beacham. “They’ll never reach their full potential if this is all they aspire to be – a sex symbol.”
“This book should be in the porno section,” said Charles Evans, associate dean for the School of Business and Industry. “Her book was cataloged in this section because she is a black female and because of insensitivity to African-American history.
The other authors in this category would be upset at this representation of the value of African American history.”
Dr. Evans believes the solution begins with students.
“Borders will move the book given substantial pressure from students and other readers,” he said. “But it shouldn’t be just students who turn up the heat–it should be everybody, black and white.”
For more information on how to remove Carruth’s book from the African American Literature section, contact Borders’ Corporate office directly by calling 734-477-1100.