Churches under the pressure of economic woes

Tithing plays a big part in the church but not everybody tithes.

According to, many Christians struggle with the issue of tithing. Some pastors actually over emphasize tithing while others hardly say anything.

Tithing is an Old Testament concept that is required for Christians to pay a tenth of their income. Some Christians don’t tithe in the church but some feel as though tithing is a very big part of their lives.

“Tithing is essential because Jesus said give a tenth to him which is already his anyway,” said Tarlisa Brown, 23, a graduate psychology student from Ocala. “Everything that we have is his, he just requires us to give him ten percent.”

Brown also said she gives even when it’s down to her last penny.

“For me, I tithe no matter if I have money to pay my bills or not because I know the Lord will always make a way,” Brown said.

Although tithing is ten percent of earnings to the Lord, it also is the way bills get paid in the church.

Since the economic downfall, churches have had a decrease in the funds because people aren’t tithing like they should.”[Here] at Family Worship and Praise, the pastor is really stressing tithing because we are trying to pay off our building fund,” Brown said.

At Love and Faith Community Church, accountant JeNard Carpenter said tithing is important in both ways.”I think they go one and the same,” Carpenter said. “The Bible says bring all the first fruits into the store house so that there would be meat in the tabernacle.”

Carpenter also said that because of the economic situation, he has seen a decrease in tithing at his church.

As a whole, you can tell the decrease in offering but I think that’s nationwide, but part of that is because people don’t get the tithing principle where if you give, he’s going to give it back to you,” Carpenter said.

Alange’ Foster, 21, a fourth-year elementary education student from Orlando, said tithing is one of the few things that we owe God.

“It’s a thing of obedience,” Foster said. “It’s like we have to because we owe him that much. It’s what we could a least do and then offering is added to that.”
Foster said she understands that college students don’t have a lot of money and that she has noticed a decrease in revenue.

“I haven’t seen it with my own eyes, but I’ve heard about it by the pastors talking saying that the numbers are going down…we are a college-aged church and people don’t have money like that,” Foster said.

According to, all tithes and offerings should be given with pure motives and an attitude of worship to God and service to the body of Christ.

II Corinthians 9:7 reads, “Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”