No parties. No concerts. No life-long memories created with friends. No school spirit, period.
Some students on campus love homecoming. It’s hard to walk through campus lately and not hear someone say great things about the anticipation of homecoming 2k9. But there are some students that really don’t see what all the fuss is about.
Though these students are proud to be Rattlers, they do not view homecoming as a top priority in shaping a memorable college experience, nor do they make an effort to actively be involved, at all—homecoming “grinches” if you will.
“I do not dislike homecoming, I just think there are other things that I could be doing,” said Kortni Harris, 21, a fourth-year childhood education student from Moore Haven.
Harris admits she is the only one in her group of friends who does not participate in the festivities. She does not think homecoming is a bad thing, nor does she knock anyone who does participate in the excitement of the week, but she does feel that it has become overrated.
“People will spend money on outrageous things, [like] $45 tickets to local clubs such as The Moon, where you will not be able to dance, let alone move,” Harris said.
She has attended one football game thus far this year, and the homecoming game is not one that she plans to attend. As a replacement to the events during the week, Harris said she would submerge herself in a sea of schoolwork.
“I have two individual projects and three group projects that are due, so I will probably not be doing anything [but my school work],” Harris said.
But this bookworm is not alone with her feelings of one of the most anticipated weeks of the year. Robert Rainey simply feels there is no reason for him to participate.
“Its just not that important,” said Rainey, 23, a fourth-year computer engineering technology student from Miami.
When asked about updating his wardrobe for the week, Rainey said he is not interested in going to the mall to buy new outfits.
He said in the past, homecoming was based on tradition and welcoming alumni, but now, homecoming has evolved into a student fashion show and holds little to no traditional value.
During Rainey’s freshman year, he went to several events and parties, but discovered the busy homecoming life just was not his style.
Rainey’s friend Jeremy Martin, 24, an electronic engineering technology student from Orlando, tries to stay far away from homecoming as well.
In the past he found himself indirectly participating in homecoming due to his participation in the gospel choir, but now he chooses to steer clear of the joyous crowds of happy Rattlers on campus.
For Martin, he finds the large groups of people flocking on campus a complete turnoff. While he admits he comes from a large city, Orlando, he finds the transition to Tallahassee and its laid-back nature, a luxury he loves and is overtaken during that particular week.
While much of the student body is out socializing, he normally just chills out at his house and only leaves for basic reasons—food and class.
Whether these students just lack school spirit, rather focus on their studies or feel as though they have outgrown the hype, participating in homecoming is certainly not a priority.
“If I need to go out [somewhere], I will go to the outskirts of the town. [I will] not go to the typical places to hang out because it is usually packed with crowds of people, so I try to stay in the house as much as possible,” Martin said.
Bah humbug!