It is no wonder why some international residents think Americans are uncouth. A few of the outbursts that have been vomiting across the national stage have been somewhat embarrassing, to say the least.
Living in what USA Today referred to as, “a nation of boors,” I’ve learned to be prepared for anything. These days, seeing two women make-out in the middle of the street is as common as brushing your teeth every morning.
But the line has to be drawn somewhere. I would say somewhere around Republican senators yelling flagrant comments during presidential addresses.
Rep. Joe Wilson (R-S.C.) decided it was congressional etiquette to exclaim, “you lie” during Pres. Obama’s healthcare speech to Congress last week. Now granted, healthcare is currently a hot-botton issue with all of us, but that lack of reprise for his word choice was quite disgusting.
Kanye West knows better. I don’t know him personally, but as a product of an African-American upbringing, I know he knows better.
West was wrong. Point, blank, period. There was no reason for him to steal poor Taylor Swift’s spotlight. He came on stage, removed the microphone from Swift’s hand (during her acceptance speech), and claimed Beyonce’s, “Single Ladies” was one of the best videos of all time.
That may be true, even though some of us strongly disagree, but it wasn’t the time. West needs attentions and feeds off the bad press from the media. Save it West, because we’re definitely not buying your half-baked apology on “The Jay Leno Show.”
We’ve got to do better folks. The next time someone says, “gosh, Americans are not only obese, they’re rude,” Don’t exclaim, “You lie!”