Over a hundred students waited anxiously outside of the activities office Thursday night to hear the results of the spring 2009 run-offs.
The run-off revealed Demetria Henderson as the new Miss FAMU for the 2009-2010 year.
“I’m feeling wonderful right now,” said Henderson. “I’ll never forget this.”
Newly elected Mr. FAMU, Brandon McCaskill, 20, a broadcast major from Largo, MD, was in attendance to congratulate his new counterpart.
“I think it’s great and I’m happy for her,” McCaskill said. “We are going to do great things together this year.”
While the run-off for Miss FAMU would seem to be the highlight of the evening, energy flowed through the intimate crowd as the announcing of the results drew nearer.
“I’m just excited to see who’s going to serve the university in the capacity of the royal court,” said Mario Henderson, 21, a political science major from Daytona Beach, FL, who ran for the SGA president position.
Several other students echoed those sentiments.
“I feel, this year, most students are more comfortable with the candidates,” said Devin Cole, 19, a political science from Tampa, FL. “Either young lady can do an exceptional job.”
The new King of Orange & Green will be Travis Roberts, while the winner of the Queen of Orange & Green title now belongs to Taylar Barrington.
“It is a blessing, honor and joy for me to be the ’09-’10 King of Orange & Green,” Roberts said.
“I think I’m still in shock more than anything,” Barrington said. “All the sleepless nights and missed meals were for FAMU, not for me. And I vow to work hard for FAMU.”
Both the king and queen of orange & green admitted to being speechless after their wins.
This was freshman pre-dental major Jessica Matthews’ first active college election experience.
“I’m just overwhelmed and overjoyed,” said the Miami native. “This has been one of the best nights.” Matthews contributed to the Henderson campaign.
The sophomore attendant run-off was one by Sherelle Moore, while Dominique Key took the junior attendant run-off. Khindra Decossard won the senior attendant run-off.
The average margin of victory for the run-off winners was 109 votes, with the closest race decided by 32 votes. 1124 votes were counted in total for the run-offs.