Florida A&M University’s College of Law will host its second Minority Law Day Program Feb. 27. The program is a part of the admissions council’s National Minority Recruitment Month Initiative.
Mweni U. Ekpo, the assistant dean for admissions and financial aid at the College of Law, said the day is focused on informing the students and that everyone should take advantage.
“Everyone who attended last year’s event should attend this one,” Ekpo said. “It never hurts to have good information be reinforced.”
According to Ekpo, there will be no outside recruiters. Patricia Broussard, associate professor of law, will conduct a mock law class planned for 1:40 p.m.
“Last year was our first year to do it and it had a very successful outcome of more than 100 people,” Ekpo added. “We expect about the same this year.”
Neverson Heatley III, the assistant dean for student affairs encouraged students to dress professionally and willingly participate.
“Students should be prepared to ask questions and be engaged in the experience,” Heatley said.
Heatley also said it was an excellent opportunity for students to learn about FAMU’s law school, and more importantly about the law field in general.
Leroy Pernell, the dean of the College of Law, will give opening remarks and answer the audience’s questions.
“It’s a program that helps students know what law school is and what it has for them,” he said. “This is not from the media, which is not realistic; this is much more reliable.”
The program will be held in Room 240 in the College of Law in downtown Orlando. Registration and breakfast begins at 9 a.m. with optional tours from 4 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. The Minority Law Day Program is open to all students.
Students must RSVP because space is limited. Students must send their name and email address to famulaw.admissions@famu.edu. To get the scheduled-day activities contact Mweni U. Ekpo at mweni.ekpo@famu.edu or visit
www.law.famu.edu/prospective students and click on “Recruiting Events.”