This past Thursday, FAMU held its annual coronation and Mr. FAMU, Omari Crawford, and Miss FAMU, Amanda Byrd were officially crowned. Both looked regal and majestic in their formal attire, and both spoke beautifully at their crowning moments. The freshman, sophomore, junior and graduate attendants were stunning, and so were the other royalty seated in the first four or so rows on either side of the stage.
The “other royalty” consisted of the Mr. and Miss of each college, as well as the Mr. and Miss of just about every other organization on campus. Each of these Mr. and Misses presented Mr. and Miss FAMU with gifts and were formally introduced as they walked across the stage. One would have been surprised with the organizations represented: Epicurean, Miami Club, Executive Branch, Judicial Branch, Legislative Branch, Presidential Ambassadors, Michigan Club and Atlanta Club were just a few who were in attendance. But the question is, “Why?”
It’s understandable to have a Mr. FAMU and Miss FAMU-tradition aside, they are representatives of the university and play a big role in recruiting students to our campus. Freshmen, sophomore, junior and graduate attendants are also understandable-tradition says so. The representatives of colleges, like Nursing, Education and the School of Business and Industry, are also acceptable as members of the university’s court.
However, everyone else (i.e. modeling troupes, regional clubs, dance troupes) is totally unnecessary.
None of these people represent the university. Outside of homecoming, what do these people do? Nothing. I don’t see a Miss Modeling troupe doing any community service, nor do I see a Mr. Regional Club doing anything to make FAMU a better place.
Mr. and Miss (place a random organization here), are simply titles…titles that mean nothing to anyone outside these clubs. Yet, during Inauguration, we have the presidents of modeling troupes walking in with SGA president and board of trustee members. Since when did full turns get equated with making executive decisions at our university?
Placing insignificant people like club presidents in such a significant position takes away from the people who really matter, like President Ammons.
Everybody watching Inauguration had to pause and ask themselves, “Who the heck is this? And why the heck is he down there rubbing shoulders with trustee members?”
Students need to understand that clubs and organizations, while fun, are not representing this university and therefore should not be included in such events.
Coronation is all about Mr. and Miss FAMU, and the only people allowed to walk during Inauguration, convocation, or any other university event requiring the presence of President Ammons, and/or board of trustee members, should be the president (and/or vice president) of SGA and Mr. and Miss FAMU.
That’s it. Club presidents and royalty should not be acknowledged at university affairs, unless they are directly involved in the bettering of FAMU.
Kiffani Jones is a senior English education student from Quincy, Fla. She can be reached