The employment status of Interim Budget Coordinator, Morris Hawkins, and the deficit of WANM 90.5 stirred debate in the senate meeting on Monday.
Last week, the judicial court issued a Writ of Quo Warrant to Hawkins requesting he provide proof of his job title and duties. Senate president Ricquel Jackson said Hawkins had a salary account for Florida A&M University and changed to an Other Personal Services (OPS) account. The person responsible for the change was not mentioned.
“Legally Morris Hawkins doesn’t have to reply to the issued Writ of Quo of Warrant by the judicial court,” she said. “Due to the fact that vice president Roland Gaines said that he is a university employee,” Jackson said.
She also said the board of trustees decided that as an interim employee can be hired into a university position. The trustees said it was legal for him to be paid under the budget coordinator salary.
Jackson said the student senate bills sent before the board of trustees on Oct. 7, could not be passed. The General Counsel, who is the legal advisory of the university, reviewed the bills. They suggested the senate apply for an appeals process. The date the appeal will be submitted was not mentioned.
Senator Gallop Franklin, sponsor for the Activity and Service (A&S) funded radio station, WANM 90.5, said the station has a $4,200 deficit.
“If an A&S funded entity has an outstanding debt, then they’ll be placed on probation,” said Senator Landrum who motioned to audit WANM before Oct. 24.
Senator Calvin Haynes said there was insufficient evidence that explained whether the deficit was in A&S fees or other sources of income.
The senate voted against the motion, which resulted in the decision not to audit WANM 90.5 before the proposed date.
WANM operations manager, Sean Woods, said, “The station has been allocated a certain percentage of A&S fees, which paid students on payroll and station necessities.”
Woods said the deficit is the balance owed to a news wire service.
According to the WANM website, the station is also funded through underwriting by partners and sponsors.
Senator Sammy Lamy stated that FAMU Strikers went to Atlanta to audition for season three of MTV’s show “America’s Best Dance Crew.” The Strikers will compete for a chance to win $100,000 and endorsements.
Shepiro Hardemone, founder of the FAMU Strikers said, “The Strikers have gone from being a $19,000 A&S funded entity to a non-funded entity for the past two years.”
Lamy said, “I personally voted against the motion last spring to not fund the Strikers due to the fact that I feel like as though they represent FAMU well.”
In other business, Senator Justin Clarke was dissatisfied with all A&S Entities who disregarded the deadline for monthly reports or contracts. The new deadline is 5:00 p.m. Oct. 17. “Disciplinary action will take place if this extension is not met,” said Senator Clarke.
Witherspoon said students with bill proposals or concerns can send emails to