Text messaging is quickly becoming the most popular form of new age communication. While some individuals have been accustomed to sending quick messages via their cell phones, others have argued that text messaging has practically alienated interpersonal communication.
Around Florida A&M University’s campus, students can often be seen stroking their cell phone keys. Iris Edwards, a Jacksonville native, said she often uses her phone to text while she is at school, and explains it comes in handy.
“It is very convenient for me because with the amount of credit hours I am taking, I do not have time to keep picking up my phone and talking to people,” said Edwards, a freshman architecture student.
Edwards also said that she would definitely prefer her friends and associates to send her a text message as opposed to calling which ultimately burns up her cell phone minutes. She said the only calls she actually returns are from family, especially in the case of emergencies.
Of course like everything else in the world there are advantages and disadvantages when it comes to text messaging. Recent studies have shown there are health issues in connection with text messaging.
Peri Dwyer, a certified chiropractor at Whole Health, said too much text messaging could possibly cause tendonitis.
“Excessive use of the fingers, typing and sending texts all day, can cause tendonitis, an inflammation of the tendons,” Dwyer said.
Dwyer also said that tendonitis can be characterized by sharp shooting pains and may be disabling, depending on the severity of the case. Preventative measures are switching hands while texting or by simply stretching the fingers. Dwyer also suggests taking breaks in between texting and maybe even making calls instead of texting.
While some students may frown at using their cell phones strictly for calls, Anyta Hicks, 19, said she doesn’t mind. In fact, she doesn’t even text.
“It annoys me in class while the professor is teaching and students are distracting her by sending text messages,” said Hicks, a third year nursing student from Pensacola. “I believe that it is disrespectful and I think that if students are not going to participate then why come to class.”