A Florida A&M University social work class and the Apalachee Ridge Estate Community center have teamed up to promote Community Day, which will be Oct. 18 at the center.
“We would like to bring different members of our community with the larger community to highlight the achievements of our community,” said Terrance McNeil, director of the Apalachee Ridge Estate center and alumna of FAMU. “We want to bring all the different parts of business and community organizations and people to have an old school block party to build one collective unit.”
Christina Wilkerson, in the class helping with Community Day, said the students in the class teamed up with the Apalachee Ridge Estate center because the teacher wanted students to get a feel of the social work environment.
“We have to do a total of 30 volunteer hours,” said Wilkerson, 21, a senior social work student from Orlando. “It’s a social work class. As social workers, we’re going out into the community.”
Wilkerson said the amount of money that FAMU donates to the center swayed the professor to pick it.
“The teacher chose the center because FAMU is actually a contributor to the center,” Wilkerson said.
Wilkerson said by volunteering at the center, they are practicing what they have been taught as a social worker.
“We’re practicing our skills and knowledge by actually going into the community,” Wilkerson said. “We’re doing a community day, which is letting the community know that the Apalachee Ridge Center is there and the services are there. This is a macro approach.”
Ramon Alexander, community and external affairs aid to the mayor John Marks, said he will be participating in the event.
“It’s a wonderful opportunity for the community to come together,” Alexander said. “We have a responsibility in our local surrounding community.”
McNeil said that he is excited about the many participants of the event.
“We’re going to have a huge community stage,” McNeil said. “We’re looking forward to having a great time. We’re still looking for volunteers”
McNeil said that the Refuge House would be at the event because of the national domestic violence month. The center also will be building awareness on political issues in the days before the event.
“We’re doing voter registration leading up to that,” McNeil said.
The center has a technology center, provides afternoon programs and has Internet access for people in the community.
Wilkerson said anyone who wants to attend the center can.
“The center is really targeted for youth, but anyone is welcome to come,” Wilkerson said.
McNeil also extended the invitation for Community Day.
“Any organization is welcomed if they are willing to interact with our community,” McNeil said.
Community Day is looking for participants in the event to display their talents. For more information, contact the Apalachee Ridge Estate Center at 850-877-2709.