Students at Florida A&M University are expressing frustrations with the increasing number of fellow Rattlers occupying library computers for non-educational purposes.
According to an inventory conducted in 2007-2008, the University’s Coleman Library houses 282 computers for student use. While many students use the resources to complete work for class and are trying to meet important deadlines, others simply use them for recreational activities such as Facebook or MySpace.
On Monday, Sept. 15 at 10:51 am, 14 of the 27 computers users in the center section of Coleman library’s second floor, were occupied by MySpace and Facebook users.
Is this displacing other students who need to work on assignments for class? That’s what Akiitha Nolis thinks. Nolis, 18, a freshman business management student from Brooklyn, N.Y. said it is upsetting when students use the computers for recreational activities.
“It makes me mad because other people can be doing more important stuff,” Nolis said.
Aaron Tillman, 18, a freshman mechanical engineering student from Colorado Springs, Colo. agrees. He said he prefers to use the library for studying than surfing the Internet.
“I feel really distraught since the library is a workplace and it should be strictly used for class work and essays,” Tillman said. “They should have consideration for students who see their grade as priority.”
While some students believe the library is a place of learning, other students have a different view on using the computers to access social networks. Among those students is Jason Mann, a sophomore from Jacksonville, who said he doesn’t feel an ounce of remorse for surfing the Internet.
“I don’t feel bad because I’m paying for it, not saying I can be selfish with it but I have a right to use the computer for whatever I want with reasonable boundaries,” said Mann, 20.
Dominique Davis, 21, a junior criminal justice student doesn’t feel that MySpace is a problem.
However some students express a guilty conscious.
Ebony Bates, from Florence, S.C. said when she’s in the library she can be seen on Facebook sometimes.
“At times I do feel like I am misusing the computer,” said Bates, 19, a freshman general studies student. “I come in just about everyday, to use Facebook and MySpace.”
However Bates proclaimed she is not a mind reader.
“When a student just stares expecting me to get off I don’t respond, I ‘m not going to get off if they don’t really ask me,” said Bates.
Dr. Ruth Swan, FAMU’s associate director of libraries, said the computers are available to support the needs of students. She said the library’s goal is to be a student’s resource center.
“Our goal is to try and reach the information and research needs of our cliental,” Swan said. “I’ve never received a complaint about someone not being able to get on the computer. We have a generous number of computers and laptops. We want to keep a balance those who have to produce papers and complete assignments can get to computers.”