Florida A&M students are still trying to find a remedy to parking woes experienced across campus. Some students say that the lack of available parking is causing them to be late to class.
Deleisa Williams, 21, a freshman biology major said she has taken several risks before in the past in order to get to class on time.
“There was a time when I was trying to park at Lee Hall. It was confusing because I didn’t know if the parking spaces were reserved for faculty or students,” said Williams, a Tallahassee native. “I received a ticket and appealed it and it got approved.”
Williams said that she wishes there was more parking for students and has complained about having to walk long distances in the heat in order to get to class on time.
Sherra Rainey, a sophomore pharmacy major agrees. She said that FAMU’s parking is not organized and that she would like to see a change.
“I try to leave my house thirty minutes before class in order to get a decent parking spot,” said Rainey, 19, a resident of Dallas, Texas. Rainey says the quality of the parking lots could also be improved.
“I think the gravel parking area should be paved. I think if the gravel was paved it would bring more organization and additional parking spaces.”
Many students are pushing the university to construct another parking garage. James Congley, 20, a junior from Miami, said having more parking garages would be convenient and save some students the daily hassle of commuting back and forth between classes.
“It is depressing and sometimes I take the option of getting on the Venom Express to get to class quicker and to get out of the heat,” said Congley, a criminal justice student. “I think we need more parking garages with more levels.”
Students are not the only one who have been affected by inadequate parking. Some professors are feeling the heat as well.
Dr. Walter Richards, a humanities professor, said that he has often times spent a number of minutes searching for a decent spot while having forty students waiting in class for him to arrive.
“I have heavy books to carry and I get frustrated sometimes to see the reserved parking not occupied,” Richards said. “I think the faculty should have a gated lot. It should be first come, first serve.”