I promised myself I would never be one of those people who says “I hate FAMU.” But I caught myself uttering this last week. I had to take a minute and check myself. FAMU has afforded me many opportunities and it would be idiotic for me to bite the hand that feeds me (I know it’s cliché. Forgive me Dr. White).
I had to ask myself, “Wes, why are you so mad?”
The answer was pretty obvious when my aching body arose from yet another slumber on the cold linoleum in the School of Journalism & Graphic Communication.
I thought it wasn’t fair for the four remaining members of Journey magazine to have to carry a load of at least 20.
Then I thought about others who might be in a similar situation. From the Student Government Association to the Faculty Senate, I know I’m not alone in feeling overburdened, overwhelmed and overstressed.
The question that hasn’t been answered is, why doesn’t the FAMU community give back more?
Many people say they want to contribute to the legacy of our University, but they’re nowhere to be found when it’s time to get to the nitty-gritty.
Maybe it’s just me, but if I see someone drowning and asking for help, I would help.
It doesn’t matter if I don’t know the person or don’t like them, my humanity won’t allow me to not assist.
Where are FAMU’s lifesavers?
Where are the vast majority of alumni and their contributions? Enrolled students shouldn’t see you only at homecoming.
What happened to the teachers that didn’t let students dictate their classes? Teachers who cared about enrichment and standards?
What happened to the students who care?
If you attend FAMU, you have an obligation to not only be a scholar, but to enrich the University in some manner.
Whatever happened to the driven student who gave a care about this place? The student who joined organizations because he or she wanted to better themselves and leave something behind? Many students are content just passing through.
If you really loved FAMU, you would contribute more into continuing its legacy.
If you really loved FAMU, you would join organizations and start initiatives when your heart was in it, not only when you were trying to get on line or run for office.
If you really loved FAMU, you wouldn’t admit some of these students who smear the University’s reputation.
I’m not one for the Talented Tenth theory, but I do believe that when one is college educated, he or she is held at a higher standard.
We shouldn’t imitate nor accept mediocrity.
At times though, that’s what we embrace.
Wesley Martin is senior magazine production student from Miami. He can be reached at wes.n.martin@gmail.com.