Florida A&M University and Star Metro have teamed up to promote a new outlook on school spirit all over campus by displaying the Rattler symbol through a new design on two major campus buses, Venom I and Venom II.
“This design was created two years ago and it took me less than a day to design,” said Charles Collins, 30, graphic designer for University Relations, Department of Graphic Communications.
The original design is of a large rattler on a white backdrop and this design was specifically created to advance school spirit, Collins said.
“I wanted to do something that uses the rattler [emblem] and brings the rattler back in a positive way,” Collins said.
To promote and focus on the unity of FAMU students, the FAMU Police Department, in association with Star Metro, began the process of promoting Collins’ vision.
“We completed a contract with Star Metro for the design to be displayed on the outside of the buses and the FAMU logo to be displayed on the inside,” said Keith Ross, FAMUPD’s chief of police.
Ross said that FAMU worked out a deal with Star metro and the money usually used for route services was the amount used for the design. Therefore, the actual display of the design was free.
“It roughly cost about $6 thousand for the inside and outside to be displayed,” Ross said.
Through the long four-month period of preparations, the design’s ultimate goal was to increase school spirit on and off campus.
“One thing I have seen is a lot of positive reactions to the buses and that rattler pride has been generated,” Ross said.
FAMU students are also excited about the new design.
“I get excited when I see this design because my school is being advertised and getting more publicity so that more people would want to become rattlers,” said Angelo Porter, 19, a criminal justice student from Jacksonville. “This design should be an inspiration to all FAMU students and it truly is an example of rattler pride.”
Students are also thankful for how the design is being used.
“I appreciate them using our design. It serves as a good purpose,” said Priscilla Simeton, 22, third-year pharmacy student from Fort Lauderdale.
Along with the hopes of encouraging FAMU pride, some students feel the design can work as a way of showing a comeback for FAMU.
“We have been through a lot so I think it’s a great way to raise student moral at our school,” said Simeton.
While this design is being presented around the community, FAMU students have gained a sense of unity and are enthused by the new rattler logo.
“I hope to see more of the rattler symbol being displayed all over the community and encouraging FAMU students to be proud of their school,” Porter said.