Student senator and chairperson of the Student Relations Committee Nadiyah Knight was removed from her position after a much heated debate during the tenth session of the 37th Student Senate.
The debate held a discussion on why Knight should be removed and why she should hold her position.
Junior Senator Joyia Smith made the motion to remove Sen. Knight as SRC chairperson.
Some called it unconstitutional, while others called it fair. However, during a 20-8 vote, with 2 abstain, Knight was removed from her position.
Senate President Mellori Lumpkin relinquished her chair to Sen. Calvin Hayes to allow participation in debate.
Lumpkin, who was in favor of the motion, documented a list of problems surrounding frequent tardiness and lack of e-mail responses from Knight.
“Not one resolution has come out of the Student Relations Committee until tonight [Nov. 5],” Lumpkin said.
The motion to remove Knight was because of her accused failure to communicate and follow through with obligations. Lumpkin presented evidence that included unanswered emails and documents of events to prove tardiness on Knight’s behalf.
Lumpkin said for the first time in seven years, the Coleman Library Showcase will be moved to Jan. 2 because the letter to request Lee Hall at no cost was turned in too late.
“SGA cannot, in good conscience, submit such a request this late in the semester to the president’s office,” Lumpkin said. “Granted, SRC is an entity of individuals within itself, but know that leadership starts at the top.”
Sen. Samuel Lamy said he agrees that Knight should be removed from her station as SRC chairperson.
“She failed to respond to various emails that were sent to her,” said Lamy, 18, a freshman accounting student from Miami. “I love Knight, it’s sad I had to vote against her.”
Some student senators were for Knight before proof was given that showed her lack of duties.
“Things were passed down but were not admitted. Senate President Lumpkin had proof,” said Sen. Phylicia Ross, 20, a junior computer information systems student from Orlando.
But while these comments were against Knight, others said they felt the situation was not all on Knights’ part.
“The responsibility of getting these events planned and getting things done lies not only one person, but lies on the committee as a whole,” said Sen. Valencia Witherspoon, freshman.
“I blame myself for not taking the initiative to not find out what was going on, but I also blame the other members of the student relations committee who have the experience and did not step up their game to take part in what was going on.”
“If you do know what needs to be done and this is your fourth year on the committee and you don’t do anything to get it done and you let your fellow sister senator fall, then that is…wrong.” She added.
Senate Pro-tempore Ashley Duprat, who was for the motion, was unavailable for comment.
Sen. Lumpkin said the removal of Knight is to benefit the student body.
“We’re doing what’s best for students at Florida A&M,” Lumpkin said.