The bodies of Janise Joseph Woodard, 24, and her 6-month-old son, Joseph have been released to the Woodard family.
The memorial service for Woodard and her son will be held at 7 p.m. on Friday at Harvest Time International located at 225 N. Kennel Road in Sanford.
The funeral service will be held Saturday at 11 a.m. at Greater Hopewell Missionary Baptist Church located at 517 NW 6 Terrace in Ocala.
Woodard, a first-year law student at Florida A&M University’s College of Law, along with her 6-month-old son, Joseph, died in a fire at their Stanford home July 10 after a neighbor’s house was struck by a small airplane.
Pastor Harlen Walker saw her approximately a week before her death.
He remembered Woodard as being an outspoken person who assisted him on numerous occasions regarding administrative matters at the Word of Faith and Deliverance Church in Sanford. That was more than a year ago.
“She said she came to the church because God sent her there,” Walker said.
But once Walker found out she had a husband who was attending another church he said she needed to find her husband because they needed to worship together.
He remembered her saying that she knew her God would bring her husband to Word of Faith, and four or five weeks later, Walker said Woodard and her husband came together to become part of the church.
“That was her first love, the Lord,” Walker said.
Walker said her love was not only for the church, but for her family as well.
“She wanted a lot of children,” Walker said.
He said Woodard “showed motherly love” to her children and was elated when she gave birth to Joseph. He said she was kind and patient with her children. And she also instructed and disciplined them when necessary.
“Her husband was truly in the role of a father,” Walker added. He said her husband would always been seen with both the children, giving Woodard the time to concentrate on her school work. “She was truly a family oriented person,” Walker said.
Arrangements For Janise & Joseph Woodard:
Memorial ServiceDate: Friday July 20, 2007Time: 7:00 p.m.Location: Harvest Time International225 N. Kennel Rd.Sanford, Fl. 32771
Funeral ServiceDate: Saturday, July 21, 2007Time: 11:00 a.m.Location:Greater Hopewell Missionary Baptist Church517 N.W. 6 TerraceOcala, Fl. 34475