‘One Stop’ reopens as ‘Campus Cafe’

The Rattler One Stop Shop, on the corner of Wahnish Way and Osceola Street, has been closed this past month because it is under new ownership but will be re-opening its doors in two weeks offering students new services and a larger variety of food.

“The store should be open April 16,” said David Knox, who is now the new owner of the store. “I’m excited for the students to see the changes and improvements we have made.”

Some of the changes include a new bright peach paint job and name change.

“We’re renaming the store Campus Café,” Knox said.

“And the bright peach paint is to catch people’s attention. We want people to notice our store and come in to see what we have for them.”

Knox said former owners sold him the store because they had other obligations, and the store wasn’t able to be function at its fullest potential.

“The young lady who was running the store was trying to get her degree so business wasn’t doing too well,” Knox said. “She really didn’t have a lot have time to be here or take care of it properly.”

Some students had some complaints about the quality of the food offered at the store.

“I used to shop there,” said Nashiba Reid, an 18-year-old nursing student from Miami. “But a lot of the food, like the snacks, was out of date.”

Other students hoped that the store would offer a wider variety of food.

“I would like to them to have food that wasn’t expired, but if they had barbequed ribs that would be nice,” said Justin Young, a 19-year-old political science student from West Palm Beach.

Knox acknowledged the store had some criticisms and he said he would address them.

“I know that a lot of people had complaints,” Knox said. “But now that I’m the new the owner, a lot of things are going to change.”

The convenience store will also serve as a deli and a hot food bar. There will also be a deck built so people can sit outside and enjoy their food.

“We will begin serving barbecue on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturday afternoons,” Knox said. “This should really bring in more customers.”

Knox also plans on having a section of the store offering Western Union services.

“Having a Western Union this close to campus would be extremely convenient for students,” Knox said. “It would be even better for those students who don’t have cars. We’re right across from FAMU’s campus.”

Knox, a Tallahassee native and graduate of Godby High School, said he wanted to open the store because he wanted to “give back to the community.”

“When you live in the city that you grew up in, I feel that’s it is important to provide the community as much as you can and any way that you can,” Knox said. “The Campus Café is my little way of giving back.”

Knox said he only knew a little about the store’s history.

“I know that back in 1959 the store used to be owned by Albert Jones,” Knox said. “But the store didn’t become the One Stop Rattler Shop until four years ago. It used to be a regular convenience store.”

Knox thinks the new services will set the shop apart from other stores that are near by.

“The hot food bar and the deli will set us apart from the other stores that are in the one mile radius of the store,” Knox said.

“Our unique changes should set us apart as well.” Some students are anxious for the store’s re-opening.

“Their store comes in handy for the freshmen staying on campus,” said Lovi Banks, an 18-year-old English student.

“And they are cheaper than the bookstore so I can’t wait until they re-open.”

Some students would be pleased to learn that not everything will change.

“The 29-cent wings will still be offered on Tuesdays,” Knox said.