There’s no such thing as coincidence.
Who would have ever known those long afternoons on the tennis court or trips over seas to watch those lengthy cricket matches – that I despised so much – would have produced a hidden addiction or given me my first love: sports.
I would have never thought the toughest challenge in my road to success in the sports industry would be my gender. For those of you who aren’t familiar with me allow me to introduce myself.
I guess you can say I have always been one of those women who strive to accomplish obstacles to prove a point to the non-believers. Call it shallow, but look at where it has gotten me thus far.
While the average young lady probably spent their Sunday mornings inheriting traditional recipes or trades from their mother, I was planted on my father’s lap in front of the television cheering on the Redskins or tuned in to those heated football debates between my dad and my brothers.
I could even remember the tears shed when I found out I wasn’t allowed to stay up past curfew to enjoy the Monday night rush.
And here I am today, the sports editor.
Although the title has a nice ring to it, being a woman in a field that is dominated by men isn’t always the most satisfying to digest.
I can still remember the look on the former sports editor’s face, when I first walked into The Famuan and demanded a story. It’s funny, even after proving I was fully capable of the work, that look still has its way of traveling and finding itself on anyone I encounter in the sports world.
Not to mention the random “test” I constantly have to go through of those sports questions that I suppose the average woman would not know about. I am relentlessly proving myself to a different male in sports.
But as strange as it seems those are the people who have gotten me to this position and current mind-state.
My advancing from a general writer to assistant editor to sports editor in a matter of two semesters was no coincidence.
Even though those walls of acceptance probably won’t get kicked down until I finally earn my position on the FOX Sports staff alongside Pam Oliver, I must say being at the helm in a male dominated section certainly has its perks.
There is a good and bad side to everything, and as life tends to go around full circle, everything finds its way to somehow balance out. As a woman, honestly, sometimes it is easier for me to get an interview than my male counterparts, but it is always entertaining to see how the guys react when they realize I’m about business.
Although the journey isn’t anywhere near complete, consider this a fair warning for the sports industry to prepare for women like myself as we claw our way to the top.
But victory is sure going to be sweet when I’m finally a feature reporter/commentator in EA Sports Madden 2010… just a thought.