In the Senate meeting held Monday evening, the Senate discussed the Strikers’ use of activities and services-issued money, concerns from the university’s law school students and Project 119.
Many senators expressed their concerns about the upcoming Strikers and Mahogany event prior to Monday’s meeting, which is why the senate felt it necessary to make the issue a point of discussion.
The issue at hand was a dance event, which has a $5 admission fee, set to occur this weekend. Senators want to know who is actually hosting the event.
Sen. Osadebamwen Aihie, a second-year pharmacy student from Miami, said Mahogany, not the Strikers, is sponsoring the show.
The Strikers are featured on the front and back of the flyers for the event and the only recognition given to Mahogany is their name printed in small font after the Strikers’ name, leaving many Senators confused about who is sponsoring the event.
“We are not trying to jump to conclusions,” said Senate President Ebony Manchion.
Because the Strikers are an A&S-funded organization, they are prohibited from charging for any of their events.
Aihie, the A&S liaison for the Strikers, said this is an annual event that is sponsored by Mahogany, featuring the Strikers.
If the Strikers are found guilty of manipulating A&S funds, Manchion said, this incident will be taken into consideration during the next budget season, the dance group could be put on probation by the Student Government Association president and have their account frozen.
Aihie assured the senate that the Strikers are not using money from their A&S account to sponsor this event, but many senators did not understand why Mahogany would sponsor an event and not have their picture on either side of the flyer.
Willie Barnes, a sophomore public relations student from Lakeland, motioned for the Senate to audit the Strikers account so the Senate could see if they contributed to the funding of this event. After a roll call vote was done, the motion was passed that the senate will audit the Strikers’ account after the event because by that time, all fees to produce the event would have been paid.
Later in the evening, Vincent Evans, a freshman political science student from Jacksonville and director of student lobbying, addressed the senate on behalf of the Florida A&M University School of Law.
The law students are concerned about their staff, the dean, financial aid and the school’s Web site, which has not been updated in about three years.
The law school is in need of a representative for student accounts and a director of information and technology.
According to Evans, the school is grossly understaffed and students claim that in their registrars office, there is one person doing a job meant f0r six people.
SGA President Phillip Agnew, who is also a FAMU Board of Trustees member, will try to have these issues addressed at the upcoming BOT meeting, which is scheduled for next month, said Evans.
“We are excited about bridging the gap of communication with the FAMU law school,” Evans said.
Later, Lakia Scott, 20, a junior criminal justice student from Tampa, thanked the Senate for sponsoring 35 baskets, each representing a senator, for Project 119.
SGA’s community affairs committee sponsors the project, and it was held at the Walker Ford Community Center. The purpose of this event is to give to the less fortunate.
“The Senate donated about $1,400,” said Manchion.
During the Thanksgiving holiday, Project 119 fed about 80 families.
The baskets consisted of a 10-pound turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, cornbread, gravy, cranberry sauce, a jug of juice and more.
The committee is expecting to feed 40 more families during Christmas.