Whether you are in the mood for some catfish from O’leans, crap legs from Red Lobster or some good old fashion sushi, seafood seems to be that type of food that appears to always be around; there are four oceans and numerous lakes and rivers.
But, have we bitten off more than we can chew?
I know 2048 may seem like a long way down the line, but for the future generations, seafood may become a rare delicacy.According to an article posed on http://cnn.com, crab cakes, swordfish, clambakes and even fish sticks could soon be considered a thing of the past. Some ecologists believe that if the current trends of over fishing and pollution continue, almost all seafood will face extinction by 2048. The aforementioned seafood dishes could be little more than a fond memory in a few decades.
“Whether we looked at tide pools or studies over the entire world’s ocean, we saw the same picture emerging. In losing species we lose the productivity and stability of entire ecosystems,” said lead author of an article written in last Friday’s Journal, Science, Boris Worm of Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
But, as discussed in the article, seafood is not the only problem pollution is causing. According to co-author of the article in Science, J. Emmett Duffy of Virginia Institute of Marine Science, “even bugs and weeds make cleat, measurable contribution to the ecosystem.”
It is time to look at our daily actions and evaluate how we are contributing to the Earth’s demise.
Do you recycle? If faced with the choice of walking down the street or driving to the store, which one will you choose?
It was estimated in July 2006 that the population of the United States was 298,444,215, http://cia.gov states, and the number grows daily. It is up to every individual to be responsible for his or her actions in effort to help make things better for the next generation.
There are simple things we all can do that will help eliminate waste and improve the Earth’s health. Instead of throwing your paper towels in the trash can recycle them. There are numerous organizations and Web sites that will give you easy, daily tips that will help you help Earth.
And as far as seafood is considered, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration states, it has become a growing part of Americans’ diet in recent years. It is estimated to have totaled to 16.6 pounds per person in 2004, comparing to 15.2 pounds in 2000.
Joshua Reichret, head of the private Charitable Trusts’ environment program, has pointed out that fishing provides $80 billion in revenue and 200 million people depend on it for their livelihoods throughout the world.
And for more than one billion people, many of whom are poor, fish is their main source of protein.
So who would really be affected if seafood were to disappear? You be the judge. Katrelle Simmons is a junior English education student from Orlando. She can be reached at famuanopinions@hotmail.com.