In today’s competitive world, everyone is looking out for themselves. It seems as though it is all about me, myself and nobody else. But in college, students should have a different mentality.
We need to help each other in an effort to help us prepare for the harsh world that awaits us after graduation. In my history of civilization class, we had to complete a group assignment. After the groups were assigned, students wondered what to do if a group member was lacking in a skill such as writing and organization. That is when my professor, Willie Butler, said to the class, “Each One, Teach One,” in relation to our group project.
That is when I begun to think that Florida A&M University students need to start helping each other rather than complaining about our fellow Rattlers’ weaknesses.
Butler said this ideal way of thinking appeared after slavery in the reconstruction period. Most blacks back then did not know how to read or write, so the ones that did taught one another. I feel this way of thinking has disappeared. And most importantly, we should keep this up by taking care of one another.
A student’s philosophy should be “Each One, Teach One.” This means if you know something someone does not know, teach him or her. If you excel at skill or a talent and someone else looks intrigued, you should teach that skill. For instance, if you’re a strong writer, then teach someone who needs to improve his or her writing.
I believe FAMU should take this to heart. We, as a historically black university, need to support our students so we can strengthen our black community.
Professors, if you have not noticed, you do teach us more than just the curriculum. Some professors may not necessarily teach us an academic skill but they share their life experiences and lessons with us so we can learn from them.
I have learned from many professors how to explore all opportunities in life. I am sure you have learned similar things from your professors, and if you have not, then listen a little closer to them.
This philosophy also can expand to our daily college lives even outside the classroom.
For example, all of us did not come to college knowing how to cook, do hair or sew. But because a friend shared his or her knowledge with us, we can now call ourselves certified semi-experts.
After all, your birthday does feel a bit more special if your friends baked you a homemade cake rather than buying one at Publix.
Just think about it.
By teaching each other, we can grow as a strong, knowledgeable and intelligent community.
College is about learning more than just book smarts.
I am encouraging students to share their skills and talents with all who want to know.
And students don’t be shy to accept help. You do not have to go through college by yourself.
Natashia Sutton is a senior public relations student from Panama City. She can be reached at