The new fitness center’s convenience may be a factor in helping Florida A&M University’s students get into shape.
For most students, the hardest thing about getting in shape is not working out, but finding the time to work out. They may wonder, ‘how do I find the time to get in shape when I have classes and extracurricular activities?’
“That’s easy,” said Robert Carroll, the director of recreation.
Jacques Snyman, a recreation center trainer, said, “In order to maintain good health and stay fit, all it takes is a one-hour workout for a minimum of three times a week with 20-60 minutes of cardiovascular exercise.”
The problem with most students is “they work out for an hour and it’s not effective,” Snyman said.
The trainers at FAMU’s new fitness center help students find a regimen that will fit their schedules. Snyman said all trainers are certified by the Athletic and Fitness Association of America. They are prepared to equip each client with a program that will accomplish whatever their physical goals may be.
“All it takes is 19 minutes,” said Snyman. Within those 19 minutes trainers design a personal program to suit each person’s fitness goals. The trainers will then educate the client about how to perform the exercises in order to maximize their workout. Trainers also show each client how to use the exercise machines correctly to avoid injury.
Trainers also show clients specific intensities, resistances and rest periods that they should implement in their regimen.
The advantage of this, Snyman said, is that the client will become so knowledgeable of their body and how to take care of it that they will be able to do it on their own, not just in the fitness center.
Snyman said this makes it easier for students to fit workouts into their already busy schedules. “We will help them change their lifestyles for the better and maintain it for the rest of their lives,” said Snyman.
Students at the fitness center said they try to get their workout in whenever they have free time on their hands. Jenny Jacques, 23, a fifth-year business and psychology student from Fort Lauderdale, said she schedules her workout between getting her son ready for school at 7 a.m. and going to classes.
Jacques said working out is not just for physical appearance.
“It helps release stress,” she said.
Ricky Bishop, 19, said the best way for him to stay in shape is by splitting up his workouts. The sophomore industrial engineering student from Miami said a different part of his body is targeted each time he goes to the fitness center. His workouts are split into Monday, Wednesday and Friday sessions.
“As long as I’m on campus and I have a break, I try to get into the fitness center and work out instead of just chilling on The Set,” Bishop said. Just like Jacques, Bishop said it is a great way to release stress and “it’s a good way to start the day.”
For those who do not have a lot of time on their hands, Snyman said 30-minute-long group exercise classes are held Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12:15-12:45 p.m.
The fitness center is open from 6:30 a.m.-9 p.m. on Mondays-Thursdays, 6:30 a.m.-8 p.m. on Fridays and 10 a.m.-6 p.m. on Saturdays.