Educator, motivational speaker and author Julia Hare, who is now executive director of The Black Think Tank, will once more come to FAMU March 1 at 7 a.m. in Lee Hall Auditorium.
Hare was invited to FAMU as a panelist in the State of the Black Student Summit in September 2005. Hare was again invited by Mickey Clayton, director of the Office of Student Union and Activities, as a result of the positive feedback he received from students who attended the summit.
“After the summit, I had a number of students inform me that they wanted Dr. Hare to come back to FAMU, because she talked about things that sparked their interest and made them think about issues that they really hadn’t given much thought to,” said Clayton.
Hare, who has offered solutions to the so-called male shortage, and has appeared on CNN, BET, “Politically Incorrect,” “Geraldo,” C-Span, Showtime and major radio and television affiliates throughout Australia and the United States. She is also the co-author of a number of highly regarded books on family, the community and the nation.
Hare has been known to strike a nerve in the African American community when it comes to the responsibility and current actions of black activist organizations.
“She spoke about how the SCLC and the NAACP stood for something forty years ago, but how they aren’t really doing much for the black community as a whole,” said student body vice president Phillip Agnew, 20, a marketing student from Chicago. “She was so blunt, but she said what was really on all of our minds.”
OSUA is striving to bring a diverse group of speakers to the university.
“I believe that the school has a responsibility to students to provide a diverse group of ideas and information during this formative time in their lives,” Clayton added.
Hare will be speaking about issues relating to black women in history and their responsibility in the education process and community.
“I look forward to coming back to FAMU and speaking to the students,” Hare said. “I was really impressed by the students and how informed they were during the summit.”
Admission for this event is free for students with valid Rattler Cards. Tickets are $10 for non-FAMU students. Tickets can be picked up from OSUA between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. or at the ticket window across from Lee Hall after 5p.m.
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