Last year’s Millions More Movement inspired this year’s The Movement panel discussion held Monday at 6:30 p.m. in the Dyson Pharmacy Building.
The six-member panel included: Nathaniel Johnson, a Florida A&M University economics professor; Brother Quinton X, a local representative of Minister Louis Farrakhan; Genyne Henry Boston, FAMU English department chair; Dana Denard, FAMU psychology professor; Sabrina Newton, a sophomore political science student; and Emil Muhammad, the founder of The Movement organization.
“I come to reconnect us to a movement” said Emil Muhammad, 18, a sophomore biological and agricultural systems engineering student from Queens, New York.
Muhammad said he was inspired to bring The Movement, which sponsored the event, to campus after attending the Millions More Movement on Oct. 15, 2005.
Clips of Minister Farrakhan’s Millions More Movement speech were shown at the start and throughout the panel discussion. And while fewer than 30 students were in attendance, the numbers did not faze Muhammad.
“You want quality, not necessarily quantity,” Muhammad said. “It’s about determination.”
The common theme among panelists was unity. “The struggle still continues today,” Muhammad said. “Unity is the first challenge in order to solve these issues.”
During the panel, Quinton X, a local representative of Farrakhan, said that black people need to quit living in the past and focus on the now and future.
“Blacks need to create a new system,” X said. “We can’t thrive from the old system. It’s a serious condition.”
Dana Denard, a psychology professor at FAMU, said he believes in another approach-real activity.
“I’m not a big fan of Millions More Movements,” Denard said. “No other group discusses their strategy to the whole world. Louis Farrakhan, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are rich. What do they actually do that is going to ensure long-term success?” she said.
“There’s no time when the government supported the black experience.” Denard said. “We have been naive. Other groups have been able to develop, and in order for blacks to develop blacks must take responsibility for a generation of black development.”
Denard gave a brief history lesson about the American-led atomic bombing of Hiroshima, Japan and how its people had developed after such a tragic event.
“Japan created an industry that we all enjoy today. That’s how you got Sony and Cannon,” Denard said, referring to the lucrative electronic brands.
Economics Professor Nathaniel Johnson said there is a need for economic development and growth in the black community.
“Black people don’t have businesses, because in order to have a business you must have capital,” Johnson said.
Johnson said if each household in the black community would come together and contribute capital, a uniformed economic development can be started.
For the interest of time, each panelist was given two minutes to speak.
“You can’t do this in two minutes,” said Denard, who calmly walked out.
“My time is valuable. We waste a lot of time talking.
Some panelist said the event could have been more organized. FAMU English Department Chairwoman Genyne Boston said a questionnaire should have been provided to the panelist beforehand.
“The viewing of the movement should have been separate from the panel discussion,” said Boston, who left early because of another engagement.
“Interest is lost if you don’t engage your audience.”
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