2006 Spring Boot Camp
Friday, Jan. 13
1 – 2:30 Registration Convergence area, room 3081
3 – 3:20 Opening Lecture Hall
GreetingsDr. Juanita Hayes, interim journalism division directorSGA president or vice presidentSidney Wright IV, editor in chief, The Famuan newspaperRobbyn Mitchell, editor in chief, Journey magazine
AnnouncementsEbonie Ledbetter, managing editor, The Famuan newspaper
Nicholas Birdsong, managing editor, Journey magazine
3:30 – 4:45 Editing for magazines and managing freelancers with Rosanne Dunkelberger, editor, Tallahassee Magazine
“The total package,” with Pat Mitchell and Joseph Brown III, Tampa Tribune
(How editors, photographers and page designers can work together to package stories so that they appeal to readers.)
5 – 6:15 Media ethics, open records and professionalism (Editorial conduct, reporting and avoiding conflicts of interest).
Bob Gabordi, Executive Editor, Tallahassee Democrat
7 – 8:30 Reunion Reception for facilitators, faculty, former Famuans, and newspaper and magazine staffs Gallery,School of Journalism and Graphic Communication
Saturday, Jan. 14
9 – 9:20 Breakfast Convergence area, room 3081
9:30 – 10:20 Localizing the story and sourcing. Tia Mitchell, The Florida Times-Union; Gabrielle Finley, The Lakeland Ledger; and Kanya Simon, Capital Outlook
Producing advertising revenue. Tallahassee Magazine*
10:30 – 12 Copy editing w/ Elizabeth Broadway, The Florida Times-Union; Lamar Wilson, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution; Jamal Branford, Tampa Tribune
10:30 – 12 Magazine design. Tallahassee magazine*
12 – 1:15 Lunch. Winning Hearsts. Joe Ritchie
1:30 – 2:20 Business writing. Juana Jordan, Tallahassee Democrat
Sports. Elizabeth Broadway, The Florida Times-Union
Writing human interest/feature stories. Aetna Smith, Tallahassee Democrat
2:30 – 3:20 Leadership and planning. Danielle Wright and Kara Palmer
3:30 – 4:20 Covering breaking news and investigative reporting. Marlon Walker, St. Petersburg Times
Opinions and editorial writing. Roosevelt Wilson, Capital Outlook
4:30 Dean’s Challenge and $1 Dinner