A vehicle hit and injured a Florida A&M University student Friday night on Wahnish Way near the Café.
Lt. Angela Kirkland of the FAMU Police Department said the accident was not life-threatening, but the victim went to the hospital.
A number of students came to the area to witness what was going on outside.
“I came out of Paddyfote and looked to my left and saw people everywhere,” said Eric Wright Jr., who resides in Paddyfote.
Wright, 19, a freshman history education student from Tampa, said, “Students were everywhere watching the action.”
The person driving the vehicle did not leave the scene after hitting the student. But the driver was at fault, not the student, Kirkland said.
The driver was charged with a traffic crash offense.
While FAMU PD gives more information in crime cases, Kirkland said very limited information is available to the public about these types of incidents. She said this is to prevent law firms from asking to represent the victim in court, while he or she is still at the hospital.
Contact Nyerere Davidson and Ebonie Ledbetterat famuannews@hotmail.com