As America embarks on World AIDS Day, which takes place every year on December 1, many organizations and charities have committed to provide free HIV testing and are dedicated to winning the war on AIDS.
World AIDS Day is all about becoming more aware of HIV and AIDS, the harm it can do to your body and knowing how to protect yourself from the deadly disease.
In Tallahassee, Florida A&M University’s Student Health Services (the Leon County Health Department will be on-site) will be offering free HIV testing on November 30 from 9 a.m. to 12 noon. There will also be a candle light vigil at the Internal Flame at 6 p.m.
The DISC Village and Shisha are also offering free HIV testing. For official testing times and days, contact the DISC Village at 414-7545 and Shisha at 224-4227 or Both organizations are committed to AIDS prevention and testing.
Every citizen in Tallahassee should actively participate in the fight against AIDS.
The UNAIDS (the united nations program on HIV/AIDS) estimated over 40 million people globally are living with HIV. This year alone, AIDS has claimed the lives of more than 3 million people.
If you are wondering how to get an involved in World AIDS Day, go get tested for HIV, encourage others to abstain or to use condoms during sexual intercourse and attend an educational event about AIDS. You can also wear the Red Ribbon.
According to the official World AIDS Day web-site,, “the Red Ribbon is a sign of support for people living with HIV and a symbol of hope for the future.” But most importantly, take advantage of the free HIV testing being conducted at the various locations throughout Tallahassee.
If you want to live a long healthy productive life, abstain or use a condom and remember to test for HIV at least every six months to a year.
Don’t let the global war on AIDS stop on December 1, continue to fight the war on AIDS until there is a cure for the deadly virus.
Angela A. Green for the Editorial Board.