Imagine you have planned a trip to the Grand Canyon and instead of driving your own car to Arizona, you decide to purchase airline tickets for yourself and your family.
After two hours aboard the plane, three men pull out X-Acto knives and threaten to kill you and your 3-year-old son. One of the men tells all passengers not to move because there is a bomb in the cargo hold. What would you do?
This scenario frightens most Americans because every time someone boards a train, bus or airplane, there’s a chance that terrorists could be on the journey.
Should the United States government torture detained terrorist? No. Despite the fact that terrorists kill innocent people, they are human beings and people should not be tortured. Besides, torture violates basic human rights.
The U.S. government needs to follow the international law on how to deal with terrorists. The cruel and inhumane treatment that was inflicted upon the detained terrorists at Guantanamo Bay should have never taken place.
According to GPSolo Magazine, the U.S. uses military commissions created by President Bush to enforce international law and practice.
The military commissions were created to try non-U.S. citizens, members of the al-Qaida network and individuals who carry out terrorist attacks against America and their allies.
The order requires that “detained terrorists be treated humanely, that they not be discriminated against, that they be afforded adequate food, drinking water, shelter, clothing and medical treatment, and that they be allowed to freely exercise their religion, to the extent consistent with the requirements of their detention.”
Torture would be the exact opposite of the order.
The U.S. should follow the current international law and continue to treat terrorist humanely.
Isaac Newton’s third law of motion said, “for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.” Terrorists will get exactly what is coming for them.
Angela A. Green for the Editorial Board.