Thankfully, needs and issues facing the black student are finally being addressed.
With the State of the Black Student Summit making a stop at FAMU, it has brought to light many concerns that students have had for a while. Touching on taboos within our community was exactly what the doctor ordered.
Typically, we are used to seeing swarms of people crowd Lee Hall Auditorium to see a talent show or a pageant, but it was nice to see so many people pack the auditorium for something positive and view altering. The summit shed light on the spiritual, physical and emotional aspects of the black community.
The summit was a smart move, and with appearances from icons and speakers of pop culture, students were prone to adhere to the words and advice given.
I hope this enlightened many students, but it most definitely enlightened us at The Famuan. It brought to the forefront the way we, as students, analyze, interpret and handle situations and how we can change those once volatile ways. It was also nice to see FAMU broadcasted on C-Span and BET in a positive light. This may mean a new and positive turn for FAMU.
It may take only a few pep talks from figures we look up to, such as Cousin Jeff, Omar Tyree and AJ, to make us stop, look and pay attention to what surrounds our nation and campus.
More events like this one will be beneficial to students and help improve the slightly tarnished reputation of FAMU.
This could bring new clientele and students to FAMU, with an objective to change and keep this institution in line with the ever-changing economy.