The Beta Alpha Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc., the Freshman Class and SGA will host “Ladies First.” For further information, please contact Morgan N. Long and 651- 303- 7378.
Musicology Week will be March 21-25 in the Foster-Tanner Fine Arts Complex. Admission is free. MENC, Phi Mu Alpha, Sinfonia, Kappa Kappa Psi and Sigma Alpha Iota will be hosting the event. Come out and be musically enlightened. For more information, contact Everett Fletcher at 878-3971 or e-mail
Join SAVA in its Walking Program on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7 p.m. on the FAMU track. For more information, e-mail
The FAMU Essential Theatre’s upcoming production, “The Trial of the Big Bad Wolf” is to run April 8-10.
Walk America invites all organizations to join in the fight against prematurity and participate in Walk America April 16, at 10a.m. in Southwood. For more information, contact Thometta Cozart@ tcozart@marchofdimes or 422- 3152.
Tallahassee Urban League will be presenting “First Time Homebuyers” workshops Tuesday and Thursday at the Tallahassee Urban League office from 6 – 9 p.m. For more information, contact Stella Ward at 222-6111.
Campus Recreation is looking for officials for Intramural Basketball League. For more information, contact Dionne Allen at 599-3785
The Famuan will host “From Alpha to Omega -It’s All Greek to Me” Talk Show on March 30. Please submit any questions you have about joining a fraternity or sorority via e-mail to
Tickets are available for The Famuan’s fundraiser for the Black Archives in Tucker Hall Room 309. The fund-raiser dinner will be held April 3, in the Grand Ballroom. Tickets are $25 and all proceeds from the fundraiser will go to the Black Archives. For more information, contact Amanda Wilkerson at 599-3159.
The Famuan needs participants from campus organizations for the The Famuan Feud to be held April 4. For more information, contact Robbyn Mitchell at
The Famuan needs participants from the School of Journalism and the School of Business and Industry for a 3-on-3 basketball tournament to be held April 1. For more information, contact Jon Fraizer at
Journey Magazine is accepting applications for all positions. They are available in Room 307A in Tucker Hall and are due April 8. For more information, contact Russell Nichols at 599-3502 or
Early academic advisement for Summer 2005 and Fall 2005 for the Department of Computer and Information Sciences will be held in the Benjamin Banneker Building A until April 15. To make an appointment, e-mail the advisement center at
The Office of graduate Studies & Research will present a six-week GRE prep course for students planning on going to graduate school until April 7 from 7-9p.m. in GC Room 205.
The Junior Cabinet applications deadline has been extended to March 28. Applications can be picked up and returned to the Office of Student Activities by 5 p.m. For more information, contact Marcus Carson or Amanda Byrd at 850-251-4701 or 770-355-8534.
The Alpha Eta Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. and the Gamma Chi Chapter of Iota Phi Theta Fraternity, Inc. will host “Get Loose” a Pajama Juice Jam on Saturday April 16. For advanced tickets ask any Sigma or Iota. For more information contact Jason Caldwell at 202-390-2401 or Kori Scott at 410-615-1285.