The word on the street is that “no” means “no.”
According to, one out of every three women will be raped during her lifetime.
While the statistic may seem alarming, it’s true. There are steps that people can take to protect themselves from individuals that may attempt to sexually assault them.
It’s a wide misconception that men aren’t and can’t be raped, but as stated on ten percent of all rape victims are male.
Despite a man’s stature, a surprise attack or weapon can counter his might. Anyone is susceptible to being sexually assaulted, so regardless of sex informing yourself is a step on how to protect you.
Joseph Ward, a third year Psychology student said, “I’m not one to look at a woman who is wearing skimpy clothes, and say ‘she’s a freak,’ but it does make (her) look suspect.”
Clearly just because you like to flaunt your figure doesn’t mean that you like to share your goodies with anyone, but that’s the picture that tight and revealing clothes most often paint.
If it sounds like a duck, looks like a duck, and swims like a duck then it is probably a duck,” said Muhammad Mujahid, a 20-year-old criminal justice student from Tallahassee.
A great step to decreasing your chance of being raped or sexually assaulted would be to educate yourself. The FAMU Police Department offers free rape and assault defense classes.
It is said that rape has more to do with someone looking to take control of or display their power rather than the desire to fulfill their sexual appetite.
Kim, whose last name cannot be printed, is a representative from the crisis hotline provided by Refuge Child’s said, “That if approached by a suspicious person in a secluded area it is best to not show any sign of fear.”
Sexual predators prey on the weak. Always remember that there is strength in numbers.
“If you are going out for the evening don’t go alone,” Kim said. “Never accept a drink from a stranger or leave your drink unattended when out.”
Consuming too much alcohol isn’t a good thing to do if you are with people you barely know.
“Its hard to protect yourself when you are too intoxicated,” Ashley White said.
“When you’re drunk your judgment is awful and you aren’t entirely under control what goes on.” Said White, a second year FSU Criminal Justice student from Tampa.
Getting from the bookstore to The Set can be a full body workout that many of us do not wish to partake, so it may be tempting to accept a ride from a stranger.
But according to the experts, accepting rides from a stranger is the worst thing you can do.
As reported on, 85% of victims know their attacker, which means you should be careful of the acquaintances you choose.
According to the facts and the experts, people have to be aware and intelligent about the decisions they make and who they make them with.
FAMU offers free rape prevention classes if you are interested call 561-2647.
Also if you would like additional information on how to protect yourself you should visit Rape Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN) at or call them at 1-800-656-HOPE.
Contact Siraaj Sabree at