Film depicts woman’s life

“This Little Light of Mine,” was one of the four films shown Friday during the FAMU student-produced film screenings.

The film was a biography of Doris Thomas, the grandmother of the filmmaker LaTrecha Scott.

Scott, a senior broadcast journalism student from Quincy, was inspired by her grandmother to conjure up the sentimental documentary.

Scott had two other ideas in mind for a documentary, however, professor Keith Jones made the final decision on which idea would make the cut.

Scott said Jones chose this piece because he thought it had passion and it was very heartfelt and different.

The film showcased her deaf and blind grandmother who raised her brother and her narcotic-born baby cousin.

The film displayed the tough times of Thomas becoming deaf while she was pregnant with her daughter, Sheil, to suffering from various health problems and how she finds peace in God’s strength.

The film also reveals the Thomas’s courage to never giving up on life because of her disabilities and aliment.

It took 5 months to produce the 9-minute film, which took an additional 150 hours outside of class time.

With that effort Scott hopes to continue making films and taking on bigger challenges.

Scott wants to continue mastering documentaries and her dream is to one day make 30-minute documentaries for the new Black Family Channel depicting controversial and historical events that have taken place.

“I want to inspire the youth and become a voice for the nation of all colors but mainly black people,” Scott said.

Contact Janay L. Theodore at