In the 80s, there was the Walkman. During the 90s, it was the Discman. Today, there is the iPod, Apple’s new gadget that is widely considered a version of the portable MP3 player.
According to, Apple’s iPod accounted for almost half of all the MP3 sales in 2004.
No matter if you’re walking from the General Classroom Building or walking on the treadmill in the fitness center, the iPod’s little gray earpieces can be seen hanging from the ears of several students on campus.
Joshua Rutherford, a CompUSA salesman, said the iPod has been one of the “hottest sellers since arriving in the store.”
Now that downloading music has become harder to get without purchasing, the Discman seems to have become “ancient” compared to the iPod’s sudden fame.
“I think it has become so successful due to word of mouth, promotion and the popularity just spread,” said Richard Brand, an advertising professor in the School of Business Industry.
One of the reasons so many iPods were purchased might be the gadget’s flexibility.
iPod has the capabilities to work inside of the automobile .
“I used the FM modulator to connect mine to my car radio,” said Seth Armantrout, a 20-year-old student at Tallahassee Community College.
“That way I won’t have to change CD’s.”
iPod holders have a wide variety of ways, reasons and places to use the MP3 player.
Kelley Parker, a senior art education student from Mount Dora said he uses his iPod Shuffle while “hanging up posters and flyers” for events.
“I have a MP3 player already so I didn’t need anything that big,” Parker said, referring to the larger memory-holding player. “I mainly listen to artists that I’ve signed or am interested in signing on the iPod.”
Apple has sold more than 9 million iPods to date. Because of this, the iPod may soon be able to offer free downloads. However, iPod fans should not worry about prices rising because of so many sales of the player.
Steve Jobs, the CEO of Apple, stated on that the price of iTunes was not rising despite rumors of a 25 cent increase.
Others said the iPod can also be beneficial in relationships.
Parker said the iPod can be purchased as a token of love.
“Buy one for your girl and put all of her favorite songs on it. This is a good way to ease your girl or guy into working out,” he said.
Songs for the iPod are available on for 99 cents.
Contact A. Omar Sharpe at