FAMU’s goal is to educate the young black minds of tomorrow. However, how can they achieve this goal if the professors who educate these minds are not at the top of their game?
Many black professors, especially in the fields of math and science, are lacking doctorate degrees.
Some people may ask what the problem is with professors not having a Ph.D.
The problem is that black professors should adhere to a standard of greatness when educating the next generation of black people.
So why are these professors lacking this degree?
Some professors pursue a Ph.D. while they teach. On the other hand, professors may be comfortable with the degrees they already have and the place they are at in their careers.
If it is the latter, professors should not stop at a master’s degree. They should get the best degree possible in their field to give the best education possible to FAMU students.
Blacks must also stress the importance of receiving the highest education available to their youth. If this is stressed to children at a young age, black youth will likely grow up knowing the importance of receiving a Ph.D., especially in the math and science fields.
Black professors at an HBCU have a duty to their students to be role models and mentors. With this in mind, professors should pursue the highest degree possible.
Supreme Court makes the right decision
The U.S. Supreme Court took a humane position Tuesday when it ruled that the execution of criminal offenders under the age of 18 is unconstitutional. The court vowed that putting a juvenile to death violates the Eighth Amendment’s prohibition on cruel and unusual punishment.
This historic decision affects about 79 offenders in 12 states who were under 18 when they committed their crimes.
Juvenile criminals, including 17-year-old Lee Malvo, one of the D.C. snipers, and parents of minor offenders should view the ruling as a major victory.
Many may disagree, but putting a minor to death does not and will not deter others from committing the same crimes. The dilemma should have never been about how harsh to be for the crimes committed, but what is the most logical way to be harsh.
The best way to deter juveniles from committing crimes is to make them suffer. Not through death, but through a life sentence without the chance for parole.
The thought of being locked away in a cell without the opportunity to live a healthy and prosperous life can be equally adequate as the thought of lethal injection.
For the last 15 years, only eight countries have executed minors. These countries include Pakistan, Yemen, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, Congo, China and the United States.
This is not exactly the type of crowd this country needs or wants to grouped with in terms of death penalties.
Finally, the United States has finally joined the majority of international opinions on the juvenile death penalty.