Single ladies, be sure to watch out for cupid. He just might send prince charming your way. And, for some, prince charming still exists.
In fairy tales, a young, rich, handsome man, dressed in the finest clothes, appears from thin air riding a snow-white horse. He arrives just in time to sweep away a young woman waiting for love so they can live happily ever after. Then, he romantically charms her forever.
OK. Wake up.
That was the fairytales. Things are a bit different in the land of the living. Prince charming is still alive, but rarely appears out of thin air and on a horse. Today’s prince charming can come in any packaging and still woo you like a prince.
So exactly what makes a man charming? The answer lies within the heart and dreams of every woman.
According to an article by Rinatta Paries, a professionally certified relationship coach, on women look for the same qualities in men.
Women are often in search of a man who cares about her needs, is committed, passionate and financially and professionally responsible.
Stacey Hunter and Jasmine Burks prove why this is true. They admire very similar qualities in men even though they like different types of men.
Hunter, a married woman of three years, is convinced that she has found her prince charming.
“My ideal prince charming would be a business man with a comfortable financial situation. I’m into being appreciated and loved,” said Hunter, a 21-year-old criminal justice student from Miami.
Hunter’s ideal guy is thuggish and low key. She would not mind going to the finest restaurants and being wined and dined, but hanging around the house watching movies would amuse her just the same.
“Being a prince charming does not mean you have to spend money all the time,” she said.
“Nice quiet evenings alone are fine too.”
When asked about the future, Hunter indicated that her husband must help around the house and when they have children, he must assist with the responsibility.
Burks, 20, has been in a relationship with her boyfriend for a year and a half. Her type of guy is more laid back. She, too, believes her beau is a prince charming.
“He tries his best to treat me how I would like to be treated,” she said.
Burks outlined her ideal guy as being laid back, a go-getter and financially stable.
“I, most importantly though, want someone who I can trust and that trusts me, who is understanding and loves me for me,” she said.
Her prince would send flowers for no reason just to show her he is thinking of her. Once they are established, she would like to be surprised with exotic trips and taken to the best restaurants.
Burks also stressed that equality within the relationship is a must.
Burks and Hunter are physically attracted to different guys, but long for the same qualities in a man.
It seems that a guy who has the qualities Paries mentioned in her article will come out on top. Both Burks and Hunter mentioned at least two traits from the list.
There is no exact formula to pleasing a woman. Being a prince charming may take work and practice.
And as said best by Ashley Young, a 20-year-old political science student from Miami, “The best way to charm a woman is to find out what she likes and hit her over the head a lot with it.”
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