Love is in the air. With Valentine’s Day approaching and African Love Week is ending, why is it that the focus on love between blacks is only concentrated on for a week?
Like black history, black love should be celebrated 365 days a year. Love is part of what blacks need to rebuild the black community.
Love is a basic emotion that is needed for survival. When love is given out frequently, it returns even more frequently. Blacks should take this notion and take a step forward to restoring black love.
But what caused the black love that was prevalent in the “old days” to be almost nonexistent in 2005?
Perhaps the problem in the black community is that there is not enough self-love. Thus, there cannot be enough brotherly love. To rectify this, blacks should start teaching their children self value.
In addition to that, instead of pulling each other down, blacks should get to a certain level and pull other blacks up.
Maybe blacks are not as collective of a people as they should be or they are too busy to think about one another as they should.
Whatever the reason, blacks should come together and create unity.
It is better to give love because when it comes back, the reward will be even better.
Like the saying goes: It is better to give than to receive.
Clinton obvious leader for 2008 President spot
Although it’s three and a half years before the next presidential election, Sen. Hilary Rodham Clinton, D-New York, was favored by 40 percent of the nation’s Democrats for the 2008 presidential bid, according to a USATODAY/CNN/
Gallup poll over the past weekend.
Of course, these poll results come as no surprise.
Clinton has a well-recognized national image. She is the woman who stood by her husband during his time of public scorn in 1998. She is the woman who won many hearts through her continuous support of women’s rights. She is the woman who has announced herself that she would be campaigning for reelection in 2006 for her U.S. Senate seat.
To top off her political achievements, Clinton is a Grammy-winning and best-selling author. No other female has had as serious a chance as Clinton at winning the presidential nomination or quite possibly the presidential election.
What makes her so noteworthy?
Well, whatever the reason may be, she is obviously very passionate about the issues that interest, or for that matter, annoy her. Her stance on issues such as abortion, civil rights, education and various aspects that concern children makes her an even more favored prospect to many voters.
Although recently criticized about financial woes and fainting in public, Clinton still topped Sen. John Kerry, D-Massachusetts, and former Sen. John Edwards, D-North Carolina, in this poll, just as she defeated her opponent, Rick Lazio, in the 2000 Senate race with 53 percent of the votes.
Who knows? She just may become the nation’s leading lady. Watch out Condoleezza, here comes Hilary.