Unlike his second inaugural speech, President Bush’s State of the Union address covered domestic issues, as well as foreign issues.
It seems that Bush is improving and on his way to becoming the big man in town. First, of course, was his 2004 presidential victory.The elections in Iraq were somewhat successful. Now, the U.S. Congress is full of staunch Bush supporters. And finally, his speech was well-rehearsed.
The address, which, for the first time, didn’t seem so scripted, covered a broad range of issues that many Americans are concerned about. As for lawsuit reform, Bush said he wants to enforce caps on medical malpractice. He wants to plan a budget that keeps discretionary spending below inflation. He also renewed an immigration proposal for the guest-worker program.
This time around Bush has it together.
However, the big topic for debate did not sit well with the Democrats. As Bush mentioned his plan for Social Security reform, a wave of groans and mumbles streamed from Congress’ Democrats.
This reform measure must have two sides. Bush is projecting a bankrupt future for the government-funded program. The Democrats are saying no way; he’s lying.
So what is really going on?
Although Bush said he wants “to find the most effective combination of reforms,” in his address, he is certainly not too interested in other proposals. He has continued to list his own drawn out solutions. Yet, he insists that “others are on the table.”
First, it was the war in Iraq. Now Americans have a new reason to despise the beloved George W. Bush – privatized Social Security, or what he calls the new “ownership” society.